Deadline for signing up to the new discounted transaction mode starts today

The new deal proposed by the Attorney General’s Office starts today, March 6th. Debts registered as active federal debt with a consolidated value of up to R$50 million will be eligible for negotiation with discounts. The conditions of the transaction, such as discounts and deadlines, will be verified on the basis of the taxpayer’s classification, […]

Law passed to improve conditions for federal tax transactions

Fábio BernardoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Law No. 14.375/2022, the result of the conversion of Provisional Measure No. 1090/21, was published in the Federal Official Gazette on June 22, 2022. The measure, which initially dealt with the renegotiation of debts under the FIES, was amended by the National Congress and provisions were included, modifying the […]