
Tag: Reforma Tributária

STF overturns ITCMD levy on VGBL and PGBL supplementary pension plans

Impacts of PLP 108/24: is it time to think about succession planning?

Regulated professions: what will change with the Tax Reform?

Importers of services: what changes with the Tax Reform?

Agribusiness: what will change with the Tax Reform?

Find out what the next steps are after the tax reform is enacted

Impact of the Tax Reform on the service sector

Impact of the Tax Reform on trade

Impact of the Tax Reform on industry

Tax reform: 14 changes that could impact your business

Tax reform 2023: context and main pillars

What are the advantages of anticipating inheritance?

Agribusiness and Tax Reform

Agribusiness and tax reform

Likely increase in ITCMD leads to need for succession planning

Tax reform: what can we expect from the next government?

Tax reform: what can we expect from the next government?

New tax collection proposal: what are the impacts for companies?

New tax collection proposal: what are the impacts for companies?

The need to improve tax management in companies

The problems that the Tax Reform needs to solve

The problems that tax reform needs to solve

Tax reform: main aspects of the project to create the CBS