
Tag: recuperação judicial

Crise no agronegócio e as relações trabalhistas

Agribusiness crisis and its impact on labor relations

Paulista Agreement: Government allows companies in RJ to pay ICMS in installments

Why is out-of-court reorganization still underused in Brazil?

Is it possible to include a company in Judicial Reorganization due to recognition of an economic group?

Private law foundations cannot apply for judicial reorganization

Court accepts receivership of Starbucks and Subway operator in the country

In judicial reorganization, Bullguer has a plan to get out of the R$113 million crisis. Will it work?

STJ decision establishes requirement of fiscal regularity for judicial reorganization to be granted

Starbucks: termination of use of the brand by the parent company prompted request for reorganization

STJ authorizes attachment of shares of debtor company in Judicial Reorganization

Maxmilhas files for judicial reorganization and blames the crisis on 123milhas, its owner

Company under judicial reorganization can reduce debt by 90%

STJ decides that credit not qualified in RJ is subject to monetary restatement limit:

Condominium credit is only extraconcursal if it comes after reorganization, STJ decides

123 Milhas asks for judicial protection with debt estimated at R$2 billion

Miles market raises alarm bells for consumers

Updating of judicial reorganization credits may have criteria that differ from the law

Judicial recovery of Americanas: what are the labor issues like?

With judicial reorganization approved, Americanas (AMER3) has 60 days to present plan

Company in judicial reorganization makes tax transaction agreement with tax loss

Can a farmer’s future harvest be considered an essential asset in the event of judicial reorganization?

Can a farmer’s future harvest be considered an essential asset in the event of judicial reorganization?

Rosalito has its judicial reorganization plan approved

Rosalito has its judicial reorganization plan approved

Arbitration: conflict resolution mechanism in cases of judicial reorganization or bankruptcy

TRT 15 rules out stability for former Cipa member fired after UPI sale

TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization

STJ reaffirms the court’s case law on the appropriateness of arbitration against a company in judicial reorganization

TJSP recognizes validity of compensation in judicial reorganization

TRT of the 15th region recognizes incompetence of labor courts to expropriate assets of company under judicial reorganization

TJMT: Agricultural company obtains judicial reorganization by cram down

Law No. 14.112/2020: DIP Financing as a key mechanism for company recovery

TJ-SP: “Teimosinha” cannot be used against a company in judicial reorganization

STJ: Jurisdiction of Judicial Reorganization Court subsists until final and unappealable judgment closing reorganization

Law No. 14.112/2020: Innovations on the judicial reorganization of rural producers

Mediation and conciliation in the context of Judicial Reorganization since the advent of Law No. 14.112/2020

How to avoid mass company bankruptcies?

Prioritizing alternative means of conflict resolution in judicial reorganization

Analysis of whether a claim recognized in a lawsuit is subject to judicial reorganization must take into account the date of its triggering event

STJ considered valid a clause in the judicial reorganization plan that prevents creditors from pursuing claims against co-obligors

Fisco pode ajuizar execução fiscal e habilitar crédito na recuperação judicial concomitantemente

Reflections of the pandemic on judicial recovery plans

STJ decides that RJ court can define destination of labor appeal deposits

Requests for judicial reorganization fall among medium and large companies

Circumstantial prohibition of acts against the assets of the company under reorganization

TJSP disregarded the dissenting vote of the only member of one of the classes in the judicial reorganization process

Debt restructuring and out-of-court reorganization

Amendments to the Judicial Reorganization Plan do not alter the biennial deadline for its closure

STJ recognizes the possibility of relaxing the legal formalities required for the sale of UPI in the Judicial Recovery process

Bank guarantee credit constituted after the request for judicial reorganization is not subject to the reorganization process, even if the contract is prior

Check out the participation of Dr. Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, legal coordinator, in the symposium held by ANEFAC

Company in Judicial Recovery may use amounts raised in auctions to maintain its activities during the pandemic

Sixth Panel of the Superior Labor Court establishes understanding on the obligation of labor debts in sales of isolated units in Judicial Reorganization Proceedings

Due to Covid-19, a company in Judicial Recovery has had its obligations suspended for four months

The economic crisis caused by COVID-19 and judicial recovery

TJSP considers illegal the use of the Referential Rate as an index in the Judicial Recovery Plan

Mitigating risks to companies undergoing Judicial Reorganization: CNJ recommendations

Flexibility in the treatment of labor claims in Judicial Reorganization

Covid-19 and Judicial Reorganizations: some reflections

São Paulo Court of Justice suspends injunction to repossess machinery belonging to company in Judicial Reorganization

The recent history of Judicial Recovery for Rural Producers

Judicial Recovery for Rural Producers

Labor Court reconsiders rent seizure order and orders Labor Credit to be qualified in RJ