The arrival of Suzy Sampaio, head of People and Management at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured on the Mundo RH portal

Throughout her career, Suzy has experienced challenges in various HR processes, such as development, recruitment and selection, staffing, benefits management, among others, including in international teams. In addition to dedicating her career to people management, she has always focused on strategic planning. “Far beyond managing teams, the position is extremely important for translating the company’s […]

Free Trade Zones: Brazil’s missing economic boost

Angelo AmbrizziLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Can you imagine a small industrial production area being able to generate wealth for the whole country? In Brazil, the Manaus Free Trade Zone can be seen as a great example of a physical environment with economic incentives, which, if replicated in other regions, could positively help the economic […]

Tax law: the economic importance of free zones

By Angelo Ambrizz Can you imagine a small industrial production area being able to generate wealth for the whole country? In Brazil, the Manaus Free Trade Zone can be seen as a great example of a physical environment with economic incentives, which, if replicated in other regions, could positively help the economic scenario in which […]

ISS: New rules for the place of payment of service tax

Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi’s article for the Jornal Contábil portal talks about the progress made in the tax field due to the sanctioning of Complementary Law 175, which establishes new rules for collecting ISS – Tax on Services. Read the full article here.

How does tax reform look with the pandemic?

Artigo do Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi, líder tributário do escritório, sobre a reforma tributária e pandemia da covid-19, é destaque no Diário do Comércio de Minas Gerais, especializado em Economia, Gestão e Negócios. Leia o artigo aqui.

What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19?

Dr. Luara Rezende, a lawyer at the firm, opines in an article on labor rights and covid-19, on the STF’s decision to consider workers’ contamination by coronavirus an occupational disease. The article was featured on the website of the Federation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of the State of Paraná – FETRACONSPAR. […]

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

Com a pandemia da Covid-19, o setor jurídico teve que se adaptar às mudanças e novas realidades do cenário atual. Artigo do Dr. Marcos Martins, opina sobre o futuro do Judiciário e o aumento de processos pós pandemia do coronavírus foi destaque no IT FORUM 365

Coronavirus in the tourism and entertainment sectors

Governo Federal editou a MP 948 que trata de cancelamentos de serviços, reservas e eventos. Nosso advogado Dr, Jayme Petra de Mello, especialista em Direito Civil, falou sobre o impacto do novo coronavírus nos setores de turismo e entretenimento, em matéria para o site da Federação da Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas de Santa Catarina. Leia […]