Internationalization of companies: how to mitigate legal risks?
The article “Internationalization of companies: how to mitigate legal risks?” by lawyer Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, is featured in the LexPrime newspaper. In an uncertain economic scenario, the internationalization of companies has become a growing movement among companies in Brazil. Whether it’s selling a product abroad or opening a subsidiary, the success of this […]
Internationalization of companies: how to mitigate legal risks?
Jayme Petra de Mello NetoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Internationalizing a business has become a growing process among Brazilian entrepreneurs. Whether the aim is to sell a product abroad or to open a branch, the success of this expansion of operations depends on the combination of an intelligent individual strategy based on the objectives of […]
Business Law Podcast #12 – Internationalization of companies
Another episode of our podcast Direito ao Negócio is on the air, with the theme “Internationalization of companies”. Dr. Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, Legal Coordinator at Marcos Martins Advogados, comments on the reasons that lead companies to international operations and how to reduce risks in this transition. Internationalizing a business has become a growing […]